Sunday, November 9, 2008

My first swim meet

I had my first swim meet today in Santa Cruz. It was long because it took forever to get through all the millions of people over there, signing up and finding my way to the team's tent. Here is what I did: I had to warm up by swimming 400 yards at 7:00 A.M. in the morning! I thought that was the most tiring part, especially at that time... Next I did my first race: 100 yards of back stroke. That was hard because I was afraid of crashing into the lane lines. My second race was 50 yards of breast stroke (this is my favorite!) Unfortunately,I got disqualified from that one for not touching the wall with 2 hands but that's okay because it was my first time, and my coach told me it happens. My last race, and my best one was 50 yards of free style.

Overall, it was a great day! I got help during the meet from some teenagers from my team because my mom was timing other swimmers and she couldn't help me get to my events. It was foggy and a little rainy in the morning but it cleared up by the end of the meet. Even though it was hard to move around in the beginning because I was so cold, after a couple of hours I was feeling much better. In affect of the weather, some parents came prepared with warm clothes and even tents! I wasn't expecting to see that. I was glad to be done, but I thought I learned a lot from the meet. Can't wait till my next one!


Anonymous said...

Hi Alex! This is Susannah. I got disqualified on the breaststroke, too. And for the same reason! I didn't know people were so picky. :) See you later, aligator!