Sunday, November 2, 2008

Candies, Costumes and loads of fun!!!

Today, the 31st of October is Halloween, and like every year we have a school parade. I like it because there are always tons of cool and creative costumes to see. One I saw this year was a kid in a rain coat with cats and dogs (stuffed animals) hanging from the brim of his umbrella.
Our teacher Mr.L. was really cool too, he was the tin man from the wizard of OZ AND, Mrs.M.,my 3rd grade teacher, was the scare crow from the same movie!
I reused my tiger costume from last year's play Aladdin for this year's parade. I picked it because it's really nice and I don't get a chance to wear it that much. Lots of people liked it too.
After the parade we had a class party with tons of crafts such as decorating a pillow case that we can use as a bag to carry our candy, or making a foam, haunted tree.
After school I changed into another costume I had and became a pirate. My brother was also a pirate. I liked the pirate costume as much as the tiger one so I did not want to leave it out.
We met our friends at a Mexican restaurant. After dinner, we trick-or-treated at Down Town Los Gatos where there are houses that are decorated really good. I got lots of good candy like crunch and snickers and I wanted to eat them so bad that I ended up sneaking 1 or 2. Some cool costumes I saw were Sumo Wrestlers, Elvis, Hagrid, Harry, and Dumbledore. I had lots of fun trick-or-treating this year,and I wish it was every day.