Sunday, November 30, 2008

Why I like Christmas

on the road, on top of cars, and in front yards, you can see that people are getting ready for Christmas so I wanted to tell you why I like Christmas. I like it because I can spend time with my family trying out the new things I get. I also, partly like it because of the presents. Every year I get some things I wanted, from my list and some that are not. Don't worry, I like then all. Another thing I like about Christmas is that everyone has at least some decorations up. There are blow up snowmans, multicolored lights, Christmas trees, fake snow, and even fake icicles hanging from rooftops. That is why I like Christmas. Why do you?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Santa Cruz

Yesterday my family went to Santa Cruz to watch the sunset. It was nice because I could capture almost all the important and interesting events or moments but still be able to relax at the same time. I saw seals in the ocean, seagulls in the sky, and lots of cool shells in stores. We walked for a while, looked around, and finally ate. After a lot of fun, we had to leave because it was getting late. I hope I will get to go to Santa Cruz again.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hannah's Party

On Saturday, for dinner we drove for 1 hour to get to our newly-moved-in friend's house. When we arrived, the house was crowded with kids... girls and boys. I played with Hannah, Julia, and Keisha, some of the girls my age. Us, girls ran away from the boys, and we also hid. When it was time for dinner, we had pizza, pasta and sausages. I thought the dinner was really good. I had lots of fun with Hannah, Julia, and Keisha but at 10:00, when I had to leave, I was supper sad. I hope I will at least be able to see my newly made friends again.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

My first swim meet

I had my first swim meet today in Santa Cruz. It was long because it took forever to get through all the millions of people over there, signing up and finding my way to the team's tent. Here is what I did: I had to warm up by swimming 400 yards at 7:00 A.M. in the morning! I thought that was the most tiring part, especially at that time... Next I did my first race: 100 yards of back stroke. That was hard because I was afraid of crashing into the lane lines. My second race was 50 yards of breast stroke (this is my favorite!) Unfortunately,I got disqualified from that one for not touching the wall with 2 hands but that's okay because it was my first time, and my coach told me it happens. My last race, and my best one was 50 yards of free style.

Overall, it was a great day! I got help during the meet from some teenagers from my team because my mom was timing other swimmers and she couldn't help me get to my events. It was foggy and a little rainy in the morning but it cleared up by the end of the meet. Even though it was hard to move around in the beginning because I was so cold, after a couple of hours I was feeling much better. In affect of the weather, some parents came prepared with warm clothes and even tents! I wasn't expecting to see that. I was glad to be done, but I thought I learned a lot from the meet. Can't wait till my next one!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Candies, Costumes and loads of fun!!!

Today, the 31st of October is Halloween, and like every year we have a school parade. I like it because there are always tons of cool and creative costumes to see. One I saw this year was a kid in a rain coat with cats and dogs (stuffed animals) hanging from the brim of his umbrella.
Our teacher Mr.L. was really cool too, he was the tin man from the wizard of OZ AND, Mrs.M.,my 3rd grade teacher, was the scare crow from the same movie!
I reused my tiger costume from last year's play Aladdin for this year's parade. I picked it because it's really nice and I don't get a chance to wear it that much. Lots of people liked it too.
After the parade we had a class party with tons of crafts such as decorating a pillow case that we can use as a bag to carry our candy, or making a foam, haunted tree.
After school I changed into another costume I had and became a pirate. My brother was also a pirate. I liked the pirate costume as much as the tiger one so I did not want to leave it out.
We met our friends at a Mexican restaurant. After dinner, we trick-or-treated at Down Town Los Gatos where there are houses that are decorated really good. I got lots of good candy like crunch and snickers and I wanted to eat them so bad that I ended up sneaking 1 or 2. Some cool costumes I saw were Sumo Wrestlers, Elvis, Hagrid, Harry, and Dumbledore. I had lots of fun trick-or-treating this year,and I wish it was every day.